Image of the PJM Medal
Banner Text = Fight For the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal

Multiple Guess Competition

Competition 4 (Closed)

Competition 4 has a winner ... it's Bill Blyth! Bill will receive a miniature PJM or one of these brilliant books ... his choice.

"The Jungle Beat: Fighting Terrorists in Malaya" written by a PJMer, Roy Follows (see him with his book at the PJM Presentation in London). It is a brilliant book from the pages of which you will smell the jungle again - and the fear - a book that " ... tells the story with no holds barred: war as war is. A compelling reminder of deep jungle operations", with lots of photographs. Roy has been kind enough to agree to sign each book.

The correct answers were:

Question 1:

What does "FOIA" stand for?


I don't know. I know I should, but I don't!


"For Our I's Alone"


"Far Off 'Idden Answers"


"Freedom Of Information Act"


Question 2:

What is the Fight4thePJM Forum username of the F4 Team member who presented the Scottish Petition to the Scottish Parliament on the 15th November?


I don't know. But I'm working on it ...








Question 3:

How much does it cost, including P&P, to buy four of the Fight4thePJM special Lapel Pins ***?


I don't know. My head hurts!


£21.00 or Can$45.00 or Aus$47.00


£11.00 or Can$25.00 or Aus$27.75


£11.00 or Can$35.00 or Aus$27.00


*** Please Note: The aforementioned Lapel Pin is now a collector's item as we shall not be manufacturing any more.