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FOI 2000 - Here we go yet again.
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Post FOI 2000 - Here we go yet again. 
I received the attached in the post this morning from Sandra Gidley MP. She certainlly does not give up easily. I will reply to her with an update regarding the London Gazette Notice, and all the attendant details to date.

Sadly this response from the Cabinet comes as no surprise - we have heard it over and over again ::

Unless you say otherwise Barry, I propose to reply using much of the article you published as a PDF, making mention of the London Gazette Notice, DCINs etc regarding why we can wear our medal with pride.


Veni vidi vinci
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I have been trying since the 13th November 2006 to get my hands on a copy of that document, I have kept to procedure, my complaint about the Cabinet Office not releasing this document is now being investigated by the ICO.
When they turn me down as I'm sure they will (turkeys do not vote for Christmas) I do not know were I go to next but I shall do my very best to find out.

The suits know that if we get our hands on that document it will prove that they have been lying.

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That Tony is an identical letter I received from Howell James many moons ago, it appears to be the bog standard rhetoric from a washed up organisation that would not exist in the Private Sector. They have wrapped this PJM issue up from Janvrin at Buckingham Palace to Brennan through to HMG.

Has anyone got access to one of those top writers in The Media Industry, like Peter Oborne or Littlejohn, these people would and could drive a tank through their blockades

HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World
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How many of you guys have asked very relevant questions of the suits under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If you haven't already done so why not take 10 minutes of your time asking The Cabinet Office, The Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the MoD or even Buckingham Palace for the information you are seeking, it is all out there you know, go and get it aye..................

HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World
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Post Re: FOI 2000 - Here we go yet again. 
Kentsboro wrote:
Unless you say otherwise Barry, I propose to reply using much of the article you published as a PDF, making mention of the London Gazette Notice, DCINs etc regarding why we can wear our medal with pride.


Use all the material as you see fit. We can corroborate everything.

Including the fact that the civil servants by-passed Parliament by hiding rules so that MPs were ill-informed, making decisions in secret, not telling Ministers of those decision ... but running round the corner to the Malaysian High Commission to relay their decision that in effect our service to Malaysia, Malaysia itself, and the PJM were sub-standard so they didn't want the medal to be worn.

I have it on the very best authority that those civil servants are seriously miffed that their secretive and discredited stranglehold over British 'Honours' has been questioned by us and by Parliament who have voted, unanimously, that the suits have brought shame on our country.

The bottom line is that teh London Gazette is extant and therefore, as a Minister recently stated, has not been rescinded and so, as he went on to say ... wear the PJM with pride. I agree with the Minister. Whose authority are we to take? The Queen's - or the crumpled suits? That, for me, is what I understand is called nowadays a "no-brainer".

Thank you for your continuing suport,


BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
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