My prospective candidate
Below is a copy of emails between myself and the Conservative candidate for my area, this is what can be achieved remember they want your vote ask them what are they going to do for it.
Many thanks for your survey which I have completed and returned one of the
issues that do concern me and over 30,000 other veterans is the refusal of 8
Civil Servants to recognize our right to wear our Malaysian Medal the Pingat
Jasa Malaysia which was awarded to us by the King and People of Malaysia.
Now Geoffrey Robinson our current MP campaigns on our behalf and has even
arranged meetings with Ministers.
If you could please visit and let me know your views
also if elected will you also support us and arrange a meeting with the FCO
Many thanks for your time
Kind regards
Dear Paul,
Please accept my sincere apologies for not getting back to you sooner, I have had over 500 responses to the survey and I am trying to deal with them all personally.
Our view is that the inconsistent application of established rules governing the awarding of medals has meant current and future decisions cannot be made objectively. A review of the Committee on the Grant of Honours Decorations and Medals (HD Committee) and the rules governing the awarding of medal is therefore necessary to ensure that the future framework concerning medals is fair and objective and does not create inconsistencies. During this review all medal issues can be considered and rules will be drafted that ensure that all medal offers are thought through objectively and applied consistently.
Hope this is helpful
Kind regards
Many thanks for responding to my email; this review of the HD Committee and Medals that the Conservative Party are promising us will Veteran organizations be allowed an input, after all we do have extensive knowledge.
If you are going round the area come the election and you are in my area please feel free to call in for a cuppa.
Kind regards
Dear Paul,
thanks for your response, im sure that veteran organisations would be given an input, obviously the terms of reference for the Committee have not yet been set up. However if I was elected as an Mp for Coventry North West I would be happy to represent your views to such a committee. Thanks for your kind invite im sure I will be in your area soon.
Kind regards