Retrospectivity is a new word in the Englsh language which is against fairness and natural justice, according to Sir Stuart Bell MP who has been going the rounds of TV studios to appear on TV to defend the rogues in the disreputable corridors of power who returned from their long summer break to find out that an independent auditor is asking them to repay some of the public money they took without proper cause.
They are whingeing and whining that rules made against them in regard to their expenses claims are retrospective and thus unlawful and unfair.
Isn’t it such a wonder that when retrospective rules are used against our politicians they become very upset and class these retrospective rules as unfair and unjust. They go on to say that fairness, reason and justice are the test of our law.
We have been campaigning for over four years for the lawful right to wear the PJM which was denied when Jack Straw MP revised the rules and entered them into the House Library after the PJM was awarded by the Malaysian government and eight months or so after the British government was notified officially that this honourable medal was to be awarded to veterans. This was done retrospectively, unfairly and most inconsistently.
The establishment also told lies and used specious arguments to try and convince everyone that they had done the right thing when all knew that they had made a huge error and were compounding it by not acknowledging it and taking action to rectify their mistake.
We are in a situation now in our country where only ordinary people are subject to the laws of our land and unjust retrospective rules are being implemented and used against us.
The question is, why are they now shouting the odds when the system is found to be using unlawful methods such as ‘Retrospectivity’. The answer being ‘because it is affecting them’.