You will recall the carefully and callously planned release of the Ministerial Statement that promulgated the news that The Queen had approved acceptance of the PJM by British citizens "on condition that they do not wear it".
Why 'callous'? Because the decision was allegedly signed off by The Queen on the 21st December 2005 but the seriously bad news it contained for British veterans was kept secret until January 2006.
Why? In order to spare the feelings of the Queen's Representative in Australia, that's why. He was due to receive his PJM, with The Queen's permission to wear it, on the 30th January 2006 and so they held back the Ministerial Statement that would confirm the Brits had been poked in the eye until the day after the Governor General had received his wearable PJMl!
That callousness beggars belief.
The Governor General earned his wearable PJM in Malaysia - he is an Australian citizen who served with the British SAS Regiment. And so I am quite sure he did not need the suits in London to spare his blushes. His medal would never have been questioned by us or anyone else who knows what went on in Borneo in those days.
But the British Government and those grey suits could not help themselves - they had to squeeze every ounce of mean-spiritedness out of their great moment.
Well, let them try and do that again ... here's my letter to the MoD, FCO and Cabinet that alerts to the fact that they are under enquiry in the matter of the timing of the next announcement allegedly due this month.
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia