LaurieB wrote:
Tunku Mahmood has just had a reply to his letter of 10 October, see above. He has asked me to post the reply here.
The salutation used by the writer speaks volumes for the complete lack of knowledge and understanding of these people! And they are supposed to be formulating policy. What hope do we have?

I brought this letter from the FCO to the attention of one of my correspondents in Malaysia.
Here is the response that I received from that correspondent.
It would be funny if it wasn't so serious - the shame of these civil serpents has no bounds.
[Mr. Shah indeed!!!
The correct form of address is (note,
I do not say should be, it is) YANG AMAT MULIA in Malay or THE MOST HONORABLE Tunku Shah in English if it relates to any members of any of the Malaysian Royal families, the exception being the King & Queen of a State or the Sultan & Sultana of a State. Then the correct form of address is Duli Yang Maha Mulia which is Your Majesty.
This is also correct for addressing the Agong and the Permaisuri Agong of Malaysia.
Your chappies in the UK need a lesson in the protocol of correct address for, not just Malaysian Royals, but Royals from any part of the world.
I can picture the fun if anyone dared address HRH the Prince of Wales as Mr. Wales, or HM & HRH Prince Phillip as Mr. & Mrs. Edinburgh or Mr. & Mrs Mountbatten

There'd be hell to pay
The Brits have a HC here, they can easily ask them for the proper form of address for Royals & VIPs.
But it's obvious they don't really care one way or another.
It's abundantly clear that they consider their soldiers/veterans just as so much fodder for the war machine when necessary, and who are not allowed the dignity of accepting and wearing a small token of thanks from a country who realises the significance of the sacrifice made by the veterans who helped protect this small country.
Maybe that's the problem...Malaysia is too small a country and not important enough globally for the chaps in the UK to bother about.
End of Quote.
And I concur with these sentiments. One wonders what is in the Civil Serpents Entrance Exams these days? The FCO appears to have a surplus of people lacking this information which is surely part and parcel of their jobs.
Go to the bottom of the class, Mr. Anthony J Hart. [Failed. Again?]
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka,
from the HD Committee and its decision.