I have sent this letter because it is clear that the FCO, MoD and Cabinet either don't know what they're doing or they are deliberately obfuscating the truth in order to try and justify their stance on the PJM.
They tell the world that there are “normal rules which do not allow British servicemen and women to accept foreign awards” and that “it is a long standing custom in our armed forces” not to allow the wearing of such medals by British servicemen. That is rubbish - as the letter makes clear.
The letter has gone to the key people in all three Departments. Tanya Cliingridge at the FCO, Ian Keith at the MoD, and Denis Brennan at the Cabinet Office.
I have also sent a copy to the British High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur. Just as a courtesy, of course ... ***
*** For those who missed it, here are some posts following the controversy arising from a newspaper article in Malaysia promoting HMG myths:
Last edited by BarryF on Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia