----- Forwarded by Barry Fleming/BAFleming on 05/02/2007 09:38 -----
"barry@fight4thepjm.org" <barry@fight4thepjm.org>
01/02/2007 16:23
To: tanya.collingridge@fco.gov.uk, denis.brennan@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk, Ian.Keith798@mod.uk, peter.ricketts@fco.gov.uk, Bill.Jeffrey480@mod.uk
cc: "BENYON, Richard" <BENYONR@parliament.uk>
Subject: No-Policing argument 'wearing' thin?
Dear Tanya Collingridge, Mr Denis Brennan, Mr Ian Keith, Sir Peter Ricketts and Mr Bill Jeffery,
I was interested to read a quote in yesterday's newspapers from an FCO spokeswoman to the effect that British veterans could wear their PJM if they wanted on the basis that such wear is not policed. You and I (and all addressees) know in our hearts, if not in our minds, that that is simply not the case.
Here are two documents from the MoD that spell out that the Queen has given her approval for the PJM to be received on condition that it is not worn.
Why would the FCO want us to disregard such an unambiguous statement?
Then there is the matter of the MoD DIN 10-002 of Jan 2006 http://www.fight4thepjm.org/documents/DIN_10-002_Jan2006.doc which clearly states that if ex-service personnel wear unauthorised medals it will be a grave discourtesy to the Queen.
No matter what HMG tries to say to the media, such wear is policed - by each veteran. British veterans, based on years of discipline and loyalty to The Queen, police themselves and will not do anything knowingly to cause offence to Her. Thus any hope that HMG nurture that we will be happy with our 'souvenir' and that we will "fade away" are dashed. We shall fight until this flawed recommendation is amended.
I wish to place this issue on the record in order to prevent the media being misled in the future. I am sure that the FCO, now they have these documents, will refrain from inadvertently misleading the media (as also happened in Malaysia last year) and also from indirectly encouraging British veterans from causing embarrassment to the Queen.
These matters are always sensitive. Please do not take offence. The FCO has had its say and I merely wish to set out my understanding of the position whilst trying to avoid the suggestion that I am a "disaffected veteran" (see the MoD Veterans Agency web site New Medals page http://www.veteransagency.mod.uk/medals/new_medals.html).
We look forward to hearing when the HD Committee has finished its 'considerations'. Meanwhile, I can confirm that support for our case gathers momentum every day. It's wonderful to know that we have several hundred MPs supporting the right to wear the PJM. Over 200 have actually 'signed up' (another 5 just today!) and we know many, many more support us who cannot, or do not, sign EDMs. We are confident of a majority in Parliament now.
With kind regards,
PS It was also interesting to note from that MoD letter that the Department had sat on thousands of PJM applications for several months.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Barry Fleming
Fighting for the Right to Wear the PJM at
W: http://www.fight4thePJM.org
E: mailto:barry@fight4thePJM.org
"Pingat Kami - Hak Kami"
Stockbridge Cottage
Inkpen Common
RG17 9QP
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia