Since the 13th November 2006 I have been trying under the FOI act to obtain a copy of that document HM the Queen signed in regards to the PJM from the Cabinet Office. (And so have others I might add).
I have been turned down at every stage including the appeal.
I have been fobed off at every turn.
On the 13th February 2007 I sent in an appeal by email to the ICO.
No Answer.
Second email.
No Answer.
So I send them a recorded delivery letter, I get a request for more information by return of post I send them more info.
Today 5th March 2007 I receive a letter from the ICO which states "That due to the volume of complaints it could take sereral months before I hear from them"
I'm smelling something and I don't think it's rose's.
Just in case anyone wants to follow the progress of my comlaint the case reference number is FS50152435