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Cabinet Office FOI web site
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Post ASBO's 
Me too. Got mine from the top. The Queen refused to answer my letter or acknowledge receipt of it, and Sir Robin 'three times a knight' Janvrin has ignored my letters to him. Ian Keith MOD told me he would not answer anymore of my correspondence.

The only one I have not received an ASBO from is Dennis Brennan, Cabinet Office. This could be something to do with the fact that I have refused to correspond with HIM! He did try to 'chastise' me in a letter to the Scottish Public Petitions Committee which did not work.

Jack McConnell (Scottish Labour and soon to be Ambassador to Malawi), Annabel Goldie (Scottish Conservatives) and wee Nicola Sturgeon (SNP) have all refused to acknowledge or reply to correspondence sent to them about the PJM. Nicol Stevens (Scottish Lib Dems) answered me and said as I was not resident in his constituency he could not act on my behalf but he kindly gave me the details (which I already knew) of my constituency MP who is Dr. Elaine Murray (Scottish Labour) and, believe it or not, my constituency MP has declined to answer my email and I have had to arrange a meeting with her to find out why.

Must be something about me, perhaps Arthur could tell me what is wrong.

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McDangle.....perhaps the situation hinges on the fact that you are a fully developed, intelligent, bipedal vertebrate, therefore capable of walking erect and thinking independently?....while the individuals who appear to be having problems recognising you, are themselves crawling invertebrates, whose upward mobility in the occupations of their choosing appears to rely on maintaining a minimum of intra-cranial activity and frequent demonstration of the 'Hind-Lick' manoeuvre (this with apologies to both, Mrs Malaprop and my St John Ambulance First Aid instructors)

Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
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Last edited by StanW on Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post FOI 
Twisted Evil

Be proud -

That's almost equivalent to HAVING THREE KNIGHTHOODS!


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