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 Ernie Yeomans writes to the Shadow Defence Minister
I have just received this email from a staunch supporter. He has written to his MP who is Dr Liam Fox, Shadow Defence Minister.
Hello again Barry,
Salamat tengah hari. Thank you for you prompt response. I want to make sure the letter arrives before the House disappears on Christmas leave.
... I shall be printing off the letter as soon as I have finished this email. It will be in the first post tomorrow. Needless to say you have my permission to use the letter, as you see fit, in support of our cause. Should you choose to publish it on the website that’s fine by me. If you do then perhaps it might spur others into similar action. I have attached the final letter should you wish to use it.
You will note that in the final paragraph I have left the door open for you, or a colleague, to contact him. I have met him, he is very approachable, and if he says he will do something he will. Don’t be fooled by this quiet spoken Scot, he is a man of integrity, and I speak from experience.
... Let me know if there is anything else I can do in support of the cause.
This is a great letter and wins out ongoing Letter Writing Competition - Ernie will now receive a special prize, a copy of "The Last Conflict - The Durham Light Infantry Borneo 1966", by Mike Kelly who served in the DLI at the time. It tells the story of the last DLI man killed in Borneo, and he was killed several miles inside Indonesia on one of the secret Claret Operations. His brother helped carry the stretcher back to Borneo. Who said our service was not 'rigorous enough'! Oh yes, I remember. It was the civil servants who have never left their desks but have decided that the PJM should not be worn with the Queen's Permission even by the next of kin of those who gave their lives to protect Malaysia's Sovereignty.
We hope Ernie's letter will inspire others to write - send us a copy and we'll enter it into our Competition. Meanwhile, here is Ernie's letter in PDF and Word Document formats - please download a copy and use the content as a guide for your own letter to your MP.
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:09 am |
John Cooper
Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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Brilliant Ernie, great stuff
If I may just use this salient quote of yours, this sums up how this once Great country of ours has been sent to the dustbin of history!
Every time our representatives offer evidence it is twisted, distorted and taken out of context by those administering the system. As a case in point; in September a letter from Derek Twigg (then Defence Minister (Veterans)) to Meg Munn the FCO Minister has mysteriously gone missing. This letter contained new evidence vital to our cause. Mr Twigg is ‘perplexed’ that a letter between ministers should disappear without trace and is looking into it. Needless to say those campaigning for the right to wear the PJM are not surprised as we know that our correspondence to ministers is being intercepted, so why should the same not happen to this. This development, like all the previous ones, is properly documented and underlines the contempt that a few civil servants involved in the Foreign Decorations system have for our directly elected representatives.
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HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World
Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:32 am |
Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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 Ernie's Letter
Excellent letter Ernie. Perhaps it should be used as our official campaign publication and be used by our members. The 'suits' should be made aware that they are trying to prop up a terminally ill bureaucracy and their consistent tampering with the Royal Prerogative has been found out.
Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:35 am |
John Feltham
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 Re: Ernie's Letter
mcdangle wrote:Excellent letter Ernie. Perhaps it should be used as our official campaign publication and be used by our members. The 'suits' should be made aware that they are trying to prop up a terminally ill bureaucracy and their consistent tampering with the Royal Prerogative has been found out.
Indeed, an excellent letter.
But, I refer particularly to the phrase "a terminally ill bureaucracy".
Is that the sound of coughing that I hear?
What I really want to hear, is the death rattle coming from their throats.
_________________ Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka,
from the HD Committee and its decision.
Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:55 am |
Joined: 13 Feb 2006
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 Ernies letter
It says it all Ernie. A super letter.
Have you thought of a copy to Buckingham Palace?
Even if you get the standard "passed on to the Minister responsible" answer, the suits can never be sure the Queen has not read it.
_________________ Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:01 pm |
Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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The "Jack Straw 2005 Review", Reviewed Rules, were placed in the House of Commons Library (10 Feb 06) subsequent to the Statement in the House of Commons by Ian Pearson on the 31st Jan 06 (work that one out).
Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal (HOUSE OF COMMONS LIBRARY SEAL)
Standard Note: SN/1A/3914
Last updated: 10 February 2006
Author: Clare Taylor
International Affairs and Defence Section
A Background
B Rules Governing the Acceptance and Wearing of Foreign Orders, Decorations and Medals
1. Examples of Conferred Foreign Medals
C The Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal (PJM) (the infamous Part C that has the MOD, Cabinet Office and Foreign Office
in denial that it had been especially written to preclude the wearing of the PJM (I know my view!))
D How to Apply
(Quote): Standard Notes are compiled for the benefit of Members of Parliament and their personal staff.
Authors are available to discuss the contents of these papers with Members and their staff but cannot advise others.
I believe that it is not the Rules, as deceitfully revised and added to (Part C) as they were, that have been constantly changed, but the varying, contradictory and published interpretations of those rules by the well known Ceremonial Heads and Staff of the Cabinet Office, Foreign Office and MOD, usually supported by their serving Ministers whom they advise and , of course the HD Cttee of which they are, with their staff, majority members (5 out of 8?).
Remember, (according to Mr R.T Coney in a personal letter), at 76 I am still a "Servant of the Crown" - (Morbid, but I can visualise my tombstone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blah Blah Blah, "A Servant of the Crown"), and as such disqualified (so he thinks) from wearing the PJM, which I do wear at Dinners, Remembrance Occasions and other functions where "medals may be worn" - You Bet - under the authority of LG 5057 3rd May 1968 and JSP 716, para 21.
Last edited by GLOman on Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:29 pm |
Joined: 25 Feb 2006
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 An Excellent Letter!
Ernie, That is an excellent letter and I think you should send it to The Queen, to the Foreign Secretary, and to the Prime Minister! And ask each to reply to your specific question which is, I think, "Why did the civil servants recommend Unrestricted Permission for Roy's PPN while allegedly spitefully telling The Queen not to grant it to the PJM."
Well done, mate. Kev.
Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:33 am |
Joined: 21 Mar 2006
Posts: 431
Location: North Staffordshire
Ernie .
A splended crafted letter, and thanks for mentioning to Dr Fox MP , about my enigamatic
correspondence, that I received from the bureaucrats, but which at this stage, is not perhaps wise of me/us to discuss. - Keep the b******* guessing.
Best wishes.
Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:45 pm |
Joined: 20 Apr 2006
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Don'y forget troops that if the Queen is your Regimental Colonel in Chief you are entitled to write DIRECT to her but you must put Colonel in Chief Ist. Foot & Mouth or whatever in the address group. If the system works (as it should) then she should read it.
Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:43 pm |
Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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jireland wrote:Don'y forget troops that if the Queen is your Regimental Colonel in Chief you are entitled to write DIRECT to her but you must put Colonel in Chief Ist. Foot & Mouth or whatever in the address group. If the system works (as it should) then she should read it.
In theory this may be but in practice those who tamper with the Royal Prerogative and rule our elected representatives in parliament will not allow anything to be read which shows them in a bad light. Our petition was said to have been seen by HM, letters by individuals to HM are ignored, and letters to HM's Private Secretary are also ignored. The Queen reigns but does not rule, only the suits rule whilst pretending to to the gullible parliamentarians that they (parliamentarians) rule our country.
Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:48 pm |
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