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Paul Alders
Joined: 04 Mar 2006
Posts: 931
 Is it a Service or Commemorative war Medal
We all know that the PJM is a Service Medal but in order to discredit the London Gazette Notice (which gives us permission to wear the PJM) Denis Brennan claims that the PJM is a Commemorative War Medal.
Continued requests by me to meet Mr Denis Brennan have always been refused also he does not correspond with me directly.
I have sent the following to Mr Brennan let’s see if he responds?
Your continued refusal to meet with me and even to communicate directly with me can only lead to one conclusion on my part and that is that your documentation will not hold up to scrutiny.
Below is a copy of the PJM Citation please note the official MHC stamp. This citation clearly states that the PJM is a Service Medal.
I challenge you to send me any official document that states otherwise.
Kind regards
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:39 am |
Arthur R-S
Joined: 05 Aug 2006
Posts: 860
Location: Brandon, Suffolk
Nice one Paul.
I did write him a letter saying that very thing. So far, he has not replied.
Yours Aye
Arthur R-S
Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:49 pm |
Joined: 21 Mar 2006
Posts: 431
Location: North Staffordshire
If Brennan claims the PJM to be a Commemoritive Medal, means I have been awarded two CMs (One for each hand ) for my service during the emergency.
Comments regarding the Malaysian CM states. Quote. 'Awarded in three grades for meritorious service in the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia. Although the metals vary according to grade,the same ribbon is used for all three.' Unquote. I'm far from expert on the subject ,but I doubt if there would be two CMs awarded for the same conflict, ie the emergency.
Thu Oct 01, 2009 3:37 pm |
Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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What I think is obvious is that we have been told, at last, that it is definitely and soley the remit of the Foreign Office, who incidentally has informed us that it is up to the Malaysian Government to state the correct title of the PJM which they have done in the citation.
Mr Brennen's continued interference in this matter, particularly in his insistance that the PJM is a Commemoration Medal, which the Commonwealth Country who instituted it and awarded it to us have made it quite plain that it is a Service to Malaysia Medal, indeed that is what Pingat Jasa Malaysia stands for. This attitude defines who it is who is still orchestrating this unbeleivable nonesense after nearly four years and despite all the rebutals, criticisms of the decision in a Parliammentary debate, and condemnation by many, although it has nothing to do with his Cabinet Office Ceremonial Department according to the Foreign Office. Notwithtanding that as the Cabinet Office Cermonial Officer he advised the Honours and Decorations Committee, of which, of course, he is the Secretary, that the PJM would not be worn (after the rewrite).
I believe that it is about time the Sir Gus O'Donnell, should order an independant and open enquiry to which our leadership should be invited to attend and present their case; not a disciplinary committee, but one with the power to order an overturn of an unfair and perhaps illegal descision, not disregarding the rewriting of the rules retrospectively imposed, or involving probably the improper use of the Royal Prerogative.
Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:18 pm |
John Cooper
Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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Why don't we bring a charge against Mr Brennan personally that he is giving false and misleading information against the Civil Service Code of Conduct?
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Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:31 am |
Arthur R-S
Joined: 05 Aug 2006
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Location: Brandon, Suffolk
I'm afraid John, that you would have to bring those charges against every civil serpent in Whitehall. After all, they have misdirected the members of Parliament for donkey's years, and got away with it.
Perhaps it would open a can of worms that the civil serpents would not want to be opened. I mean to say, having to explain to a court of law that they had been economical with the truth, might just get them a jail sentence for misconduct in public office.
Should shake the tree quite nicely, and let us see what falls out of it. Someone up there would have to do a lot of explaining, and if it's the numpty in No 10, then his Government is doomed for all eternity.
I trust some civil serpent who is reading this, might like to explain to Dennis Brennan, possibly in several syllables or less, the implications for the civil service, if such an action were to go ahead.
Aint life wonderful.
Yours Aye
Arthur R-S
Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:41 pm |
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 295
Good evening gentlefolk it has been a while since my last post but this may be of interest to all.
This is a copy, sent to me by my MP Mike Hall and recieved this morning, 1 October 2009.:- >>>>
We do have friends on our side and they are willing to show thier colours.
To Mike, If you are reading this, from myself and all the PJM,ers I say THANK YOU. You do us proud.
Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:20 pm |
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Amen to that phredd. The fight goes on.
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Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:52 pm |
John Cooper
Joined: 11 Feb 2006
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Fantastic Phredd and many thanks to Mike for bringing that to Ms Jowell's attention, 'twill be interesting to see her reply!
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Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:24 am |
Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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Good result on that letter in regard to the PJM wearing debacle, let us all hope that it brings a constructive reply and some positive action for all you blokes over there.
Unfortunately a great many of your politicians and public servants (I use the terms loosely) appear to function (???) with all the ability and understanding of dysfunctional amoeba---possibly I'm being too praiseworthy with my comments in regard to their abilities.
Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:00 am |
John Cooper
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Obs '38
Welcome to the Forum, your support is top notch
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Mon Oct 05, 2009 6:15 am |
Arthur R-S
Joined: 05 Aug 2006
Posts: 860
Location: Brandon, Suffolk
Welcome Observer-1938, your support from across the world is gratefully received.
Having described our civil serpents as dyfunctional amobeas, is, i'm afraid, a trifle understated.
With practice on this website, you will be very soon qualified to make the appropriate innuendo, double entendre and downright personal abuse, tell in the usual haunts of Whitehall.
Keep lobbing the grenades, one of them will hit
Yours Aye
Arthur R-S
Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:04 am |
Joined: 21 Mar 2006
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Location: North Staffordshire
The attached photocopy is of the Malaysian Commemorative Medal PPM. Although the medal itself is far from clear ,this does not matter ,the supporting wording says it all, ie That the PPM is the Malaysian Commemorative Medal. There's no ifs or buts about it, no grey area, no ragged corners, it's clear as a Pike Staff that the PPM is the Malaysian Comm Medal and Brennan Inc can't deny the fact (He/they of course will try ) With Brennan Inc claiming the PJM to be the Malaysian Commemoritive medal , this shows he /they are more than a little naive about the subject or liars .
Malay/sian Police Force
Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:15 pm |
Paul Alders
Joined: 04 Mar 2006
Posts: 931
Copy of a letter that I sent to Denis Brennan which he should have received this morning.
5th Oct 2009.
Denis Brennan
Cabinet Office
Admiralty Arch
The Mall
2nd October 2009
CC Matt Tee via email
Dear Denis;
I have sent you two emails (copy below) and as yet I have not received an answer this can only mean that you are unable to produce the evidence to support your claim that the London Gazette Notice 5057 does not apply to the PJM.
You have claimed that the PJM Medal is a Commemorative War Medal but you have not showed me one shred of evidence to support this.
I on the other hand have sent you a copy of the citation which proves that the PJM is a Service Medal therefore I must ask you to desist from propagating this misinformation in the future unless that is you can send me a copy of an official document that proves otherwise.
I do look forward to a reply but judging from past experience and due to insufficient lung capacity I shall not be holding by breath.
Kindest of regards
Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:23 pm |
Joined: 17 Apr 2009
Posts: 3
Location: New Zealand
 Is it a Service or Commemorative war Medal
In New Zealand the PJM is a war campaign medal and is listed as such on the NZ Defence Force Medals website under the heading "Foreign Campaign Medals Awarded To New Zealanders". Refer www.medals.nzdf.mil.nz
Keep up the good fight.
Murray Rutherfurd
Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:49 pm |
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