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Paul Alders
Joined: 04 Mar 2006
Posts: 931
 Ministers who have signed EDM's
This was sent to all Government Ministers who have shown support for our campaign.
Dear Ministers
This is an open email to all members of the Government who signed one or more of the above EDM's supporting British Veterans right to wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal (PJM) awarded to us by a grateful Islamic Nation.
As you know Her Majesty the Queen granted permission for Commonwealth Veterans to wear the PJM but acting on the advice of ill informed unelected Senior Civil Servants, British Veterans were singled out to be denied this right to wear their medal with pride.
All we ask is Her Majesties permission to wear our medal; this would cost the taxpayer nothing, would give us back our honour and could be achieved by the Foreign Secretary using the Royal Prerogative, so could you please make representation on our behalf to the Rt Hon William Hague MP.
Over the past five years since the PJM was awarded to us; because of our age many of our members have passed away so there isn't an unlimited amount of time left to have our honour restored so it would be nice to know that plans are in place to grant us permission to wear, especially as Armed Forces Day will soon be upon us.
On behalf of the entire Membership of the PJM Veterans Association we thank you for your support, time and trouble.
Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:48 am |
Joined: 09 Oct 2006
Posts: 807
A truly simple-to-understand message on behalf of those of us who still remain in the UK with the strength to stand up for justice and our fundamental rights having sworn an oath to our Queen and expect her reciprocation.
Well done the PJM team. I am proud to be still fighting shoulder to shoulder with you.
_________________ Mike Barton
Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:31 pm |
Joined: 17 Feb 2006
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Location: Blackwood Gwent
Well Done Paul,Lets hope the MP's who signed those EDM's will remember us and see it through......allthebest Rob.
Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:24 am |
Joined: 13 Feb 2006
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Location: York
Good one Paul. My MP is an opposition MP but did sign the EDM's after a few nudges from me. Has your letter gone to him or should I send him a copy (with your permission).
_________________ Pingat Kami - Hak Kami
651 Signal Troop,
Semengo Camp,
Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:01 am |
Joined: 11 Oct 2006
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Location: Hampshire
My MP lost her seat at the electio, but I swiftly wrote to her conservative replacement Caroline Nokes on 24th May but has yet have received nio reply.
Methinks it is time for a boot on the knickers !
_________________ Veni vidi vinci
Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:30 am |
Paul Alders
Joined: 04 Mar 2006
Posts: 931
I have only written to the Government MP's who have signed one or more EDM's plus my own MP.
I see no harm in anyone writting to their MP and by all means use my text if you so wish.
MP’s in the Government who have signed one or more of the following EDM’s supporting our right to wear the PJM.
EDM 107, 356 & 375
Dr Liam Fox
Dr Vincent Cable
Michael Grove
Andrew Mitchell
Danny Alexander
David Willetts
Jeremy Browne
Nick Harvey
Edward Davey
Charles Hendry
Paul Burstow
Tim Loughton
Norman Baker
Mike Penning
Richard Benyon
David Mundell
David Jones
David Heath
Mark Harper
Alistair Carmichael
Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:51 pm |
Joined: 11 Oct 2006
Posts: 431
Location: Hampshire
Caroline Nokes, on my behalf wrote to Andrew Botham, the new Veterans Minister. his reply, with her covering letter arrived this morning ::
Nothing new there then !!
Just in case you haven't seen this gem before, here's the url he refers to - http://www.fco.gov.uk/resources/en/pdf/pdf21/fco_pingatjasamalaysiamedal
_________________ Veni vidi vinci
Thu Sep 02, 2010 11:37 am |
Joined: 17 Jun 2009
Posts: 98
are the sh***tehawks reneging? they still want to call thePJM a CAMPAIGN orCommemorative medal . S*dem when I get mine it will rest with the GSM on the same bar
Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:04 pm |
Joined: 06 Dec 2006
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Location: Northamptonshire
Basically, we were promised a review. What, I think we shall see is the various Ministers and Secretaries of State, trusting the time honoured lies and bullshit emanating from the "distuingished", remember that - not now Bankers, but civil servants who would not lie, change the rules to suit their agenda and apply them retrospectivelly, adding a special Part C, and are perfect and distuingished gentlemen (except those engaged in unacceptable matters of a private nature).
I have often wondered, when seeing references to the Palace/Whitehall that it is always the "Queen" that has given Her approval and not "Her Majesty" and have mused who that "Queen" might be. Who walks the corridors of power, orchestrates the movement against the just campaign of the Fight 4 Lads and advises those Ministers and Secretarys of State, trusting as they do, civil servants who have been shown as having little integrity or shame at what they do?
Why, if the politicians feel the need to accept the dodgy advice they are given by people who ought to be trustworthy, and ignore the injustices which have taken place, don't they call for a Parliamentry Committee or Public enquiry to end "this controversy" once and for all.
There now sits in the House of Lords, a number of new peers who had strongly supported the Fight 4 Campaign over the years, as does also a Baronet who was involved in the PJM matter as a member of the HD Cttee, and who may have been mislead by the Secretary of that HD Committee, and wish to atone for this.
It would certainly be ironical if, in the place in which this nonsense started, the F4 Campaigners should achieve Justice!
Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:08 pm |
Joined: 09 Oct 2006
Posts: 807
A magnificent SITREP, David. If only the young Lochinvars who assumed (so called) power had our jaundiced eye and could see the truth.
Yours aye.
_________________ Mike Barton
Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:41 pm |
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 295
As a follow on to Tony's (kentsboro) post I give you another one >>>>
Received today 2/09/10 >>>>>>>>>>>>>
As you will see just the names of both myself and Tony have been changed in the second letter. (No need for me to put the reverse comments on as Tony has done it).
Not only do we have a coalition goverment between two party's but also with the "Residents of Whitehall". Makes you wonder who has the brains.
I have also noticed that my MP has NOT signed the EDM. Will have strong words with the man ASAP.
Keep up the good work Comrades.
ps :- you may also notice that Tony's letter is from :-
Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans.
Mine is from :-
Minister for International Security Strategy.
Am I under surveillance now I wonder ? "LMAO"
Last edited by phredd on Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:25 pm |
Joined: 09 Oct 2006
Posts: 807
It's the same bums-rush all the way down the line. The new lads are just as impotent as they were in opposition. Things will only change when we find someone with the guts to put his/her career on the line in the realisation that it is Parliament who should be totally in charge of a democracy. Senior Civil Servants are totally self-serving.
Standing firmly alongside you.....
_________________ Mike Barton
Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:46 pm |
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Kentsboro wrote:Nothing new there then !!
The ex-SAS officer now Vets Minister has caved in to the suits who wrote the letter for him. He is promulgating info without including a statement about the Coalition's solemn promise to review the medals system and the PJM.
I know that the SAS wear their PJMs and so he is making statements that will embarrass his old unit (actually, they will fan their noses at him). Perhaps he hasn't seen this brilliant medal bar. The owner is a distinguished ex-SAS man with decades spent in The Regiment commencing in WW2. I think I know what this old soldier would say to a man who took the easy way out of actually examining the case put to him and instead simply asking one of his civil servant peons to do it for him.
According to the online Wikipedia, Mr Robathan was relentless when nailing John Prescott about his residential habits. Now, I do not believe in digging the dirt on the past. I am simply making the point that integrity of thought is integrity of thought and I hope that Mr Robathan will have the strength of character to see through the smokescreen put up by the civil service and pursue, equally relentlessly, the interests of those he now represents – ex-servicemen and women – just as he did when pursuing Mr Prescott.
We shall see …
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:17 am |
Joined: 17 Jun 2009
Posts: 98
same old bullsh*t from Robathan, still Iexpect he's drawing his expenses.
Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:03 pm |
Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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Location: Scotland
 Veterans Minister.
AN ex-SAS officer has been made a defence minister - the first from the military for 13 years.
Tough Tory MP Andrew Robathan last night joined Defence Secretary Liam Fox's team at the MoD.
The former Coldstream Guards officer spent 15 years in the Army, commanding an SAS troop for two years.
Mr Robathan, MP for South Leicestershire for 18 years, now has the Welfare and Veterans portfolio.
Dr Fox said: "Andrew's appointment will I hope send a very clear signal about the commitment of the Government to the wellbeing of our forces, their families and our veterans."
Tory Nicholas Soames was the last ex-Forces minister.
PS. I only hope that Dr Liam Fox MP, The Secretary for Defence, is not as disappointed in the Minister for Veterans attitude towards veterans, as we are.
Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:35 pm |
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