The Coalition addressed its promise in its Manifesto to organise a Medal Review to include a look at the PJM. However, the Review was established under the auspices of the MoD and therefore could not cover FCO matters (the FCO being responsible for the admin of the PJM). That Review reported to the Prime Minister and DPM in January (or was it February?). The DPM was not entirely satisfied that the Review had met the intended scope and so returned the report saying that the Review should be reconstituted under an independent Chairperson and that this time the Review should consult with veteran campaign groups.
In the Review Report the MoD said it saw no grounds for referring the PJM Recommendation back to the HD Committee.
Thanks to the action taken by the DPM, we have the opportunity to add to the knowledge of the Review! We are preparing a Rebuttal of the MoD Review conclusion by way of a Submission as to why the MoD should amend their Review findings in this respect.
This is not the end of the campaign. Only the FCO can seriously influence a change in the Ministerial Statement that they issued in January 2006. But we are closing in on closure.
Please write to your MP and anyone else who can help us. We are entering the final straight and we need to find that extra lobbying stamina at this critical time.
We'll post here some of our communications and also, of course the Submission. So please check in often and tell us how you are campaigning.
Thank you for your ongoing and unstinting support.
PS If you haven't read the Topic "DRAFT MEDAL REVIEW", I suggest you start there - it contains the Draft Report.
Last edited by BarryF on Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia