This letter is an example of those that ask a specific question that affects the Foreign Office and the MoD and the Cabinet Office and the HD Committee.
It asks: Why is the PJM rejected when the Malta medal is not (answer - the Queen visited Malta in the mid-90's and so the Malta medal had to be accepted so as not to offend her hosts!). We know that answer, but do the addressees?
Because I have another contention. The difference between the PJM and the Malta Medal (and the Russian medal) is, ironically, that the PJM does not require another medal to exist for the same service. If there was another medal involved (a double medal - yuk!) then there would be a Medal Roll - and a Medal Roll is easy to check ... ask any researcher at the national Archives.
But the MoD have been chucking out vital service records, including those relating to ships (the most difficult records to check), and so the PJM is a problem for them.
Or is it?
Please note that this letter has been sent to the key 13 addressees plus a certain Richard Coney in the MoD - this is something that shoud be on his desk.
For cut n paste text and all the addresses, see:
more to follow ...
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia