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Joined: 11 Feb 2006
Posts: 2721
Location: Berkshire, United Kingdom
 The Role of The Queen, HD Members, electedMPs, and the Suits
Here is a letter from a member of the HD Committee to me:
I am concerned that democracy is not going to be allowed to get a look-in - nor will The Queen who allegedly has the ultimate say in all this.
Our case is being considered by the very people, a few civil servants, who created the myths and problems in the first place.
Here is my response:
It is important that we record our concerns in writing.
_________________ BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia
Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:35 pm |
Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Posts: 566
Location: Wiltshire
Barry, I think that what you have said is very true, correspondence is being sidelined away from Beckett at least that is what appears to be the case. I do not think that she would be as rude as she is being made to look, she does have a very poisonous dwarf in her department as a junior minister!
I had hoped that the Queen would have taken a firmer approach on this issue though as it is also her reputation amongst her loyalist subjects that is being strained to the limit here. We all have some very low opinions about the civil servants and Members of Parliament but until and unless the British public do something about them we are stuck with them warts and all. We do not have any senior military officers in this country with the balls to do a Cromwell on them and that is even sadder still! If only I was 20 (well perhaps 30) years younger!!!
Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:51 pm |
'Jock' Fenton
Joined: 12 Feb 2006
Posts: 1222
Location: Ontario, Canada
 Offord's Offerings
Herewith a couple of letters from Terry Offord, an Australian supporter...Terry is having virus difficulties with his PC just now and has asked me to post these in his name...
Rt Hon., Margaret M, Beckett. MP.
Foreign Secretary
FCO, King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH
Ref:TKO/MMB/PJM1. October 2nd 2006.
Dear Madam,
I write to you in the hope of my being able to clarify the position concerning the wearing of the Malaysian Government's award of the Pingat Jasa Medal to ex-Malaya and North Borneo veterans.
As an RAF regular serviceman, I served in Malaya during the periods July 14th 1956 until April of 1959 and again later from October 1967 until October of 1970.
The first period in which I served was considered to be 'Active Service' by the British Government, and thus qualifies my being awarded the PJM by the Malaysian Government.
I understand that, for reasons which are still unclear, the British government has procrastinated for a very long period concerning the generous Malaysian Offer of their military medal, this it would appear, has culminated in a belated acceptance by the British Government who have agreed that we Veterans may now accept the PJM.
I am at a total loss when I find that, as an (ex) British Serviceman, I may not wear the said medal, officially that is.
This mean spirited and I must say, totally illogical rule, ascends into the realms of insanity particularly when I consider myself, as I hold three nationalities, having New Zealand and Australian Citizenship AND British citizenship.
I am able to march (in Australia or New Zealand) with the RSA (Returned Servicemen's Association in both Commonwealth Countries) I can March on Anzac Day or on any other military march in either country, yet as a British Citizen, technically, I am disallowed such a priviledge along with the rest of my British Comrades.
I understand that the wearing of the PJM is not permitted in public in Britain, this must surely be the height of absurdity, especially given my own personal circumstances.
The Malayan Campaign was a successful anti communist war conducted by British and Commonwealth Forces from 1949 thru to the mid sixties, 2,500 men were killed during this period, the fighting in this 'undeclared' war, most of which was carried out in thick jungle conditions against communist terrorists led by one Chin Peng, a Chinese gentleman who was awarded a British Medal by the British Government at the end of the second world war, this was for his services to Britain, against the Japanese.(1942-1945).
Whilst those of us who served and fought against the Chinese Communists were given (rather than awarded) the General Service Medal, an item which was simply handed over without ceremony, by one of the clerks in the Base Administrative Offices,
I note that my GSM (issue) medal is not even recorded in my RAF FORM 856 Issue 617 and in the pages listing 'Medals' Awards, Clasps etc., the annotation is simply N/A despite the fact that I still have in my posession, the said medal, it obviously lacked any value whatever insofar as the RAF were concerned to be described thus, N/A.
I shall look forward to having your response to my inquiry along with any comments which support the seeming intransigence of the British Government on this matter.
Yours Truly,
Terry K Offord.
(Ex Royal Air Force Member, 1955-1970).10/2/06
Attention of:
Mr Dennis Brennan
Ceremonial Officer
Secretary to the HD Commitee (Military Medals)
35, Great Smith Street
London SW1P 3BQ
October 3rd, 2006.
Dear Sir,
I enclose a copy of a letter which I have sent to the Rt Hon Margaret M Beckett MP.
The letter asks for confirmation of the protocol related to the wearing of the Malaysian Military Medal, the PJM (Pingat Jasa Malaysia).
It disturbs me greatly that, whilst the Malaysian Government has shown such generosity in publicly thanking those of us who served in the period 1949-64, Her Majesty's Government has only sought to prevent both the issue and latterly, the wearing of the said medal.
I note that at least two ex-Government Ministers of the Crown have actually supported the wearing of the Malaysian PJM whilst Barristers at Law and a number of MP's have readily subscribed to the wearing of the medal in public.
As an ex RAF serviceman who undertook active service in Malaya during the prescribed period (actually July 1956 to April 1959) I feel that the tiresome procrastination along with the total lack of logic concerning the issue/wearing of the medal is at least both petty and insulting to the Malaysian Government and to the memory of the 2500 British and Commonwealth men who died fighting the communists during that period.
It appears that governments are happy to fund wars but they conveniently overlook the death and misery created by their actions, and for whatever reasons.
I trust that I shall be presented with a more positive attitude concerning the actual wearing of the PJM given the time elapsed todate and in my own case, as a naturalised New Zealander/Australian and being English born, I believe that I may simply wear the medal under either of my two adopted citizenships.
I shall look forward to hearing of the absolute agreement that will afford we ex-Malayan and North Borneo Veterans receive and to wear publicly, the gracious offer of the PJM by a grateful Malaysian Government.
I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Yours truly
Terry K Offord.
(Ex Royal Air Force 1955-1970.)
_________________ ...................'Jock'
Paroi...Rasah...Batu Signals Troop.
Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:48 am |
John Cooper
Joined: 11 Feb 2006
Posts: 2158
Location: Suffolk
Well done Terry on both counts and to Jock for posting on Terry's behalf
More of the same please guys, we need your support like never before!
_________________ --------------------------------------------------------------
HD Committee: Amateurs in a Professional World
Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:20 pm |
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