Do you remember that letter written by the Conservative Shadow Veteran’s Minister, Mark Harper, in which he supported the Labour Government position on the PJM?
Well, after some stirling lobbying by John Ireland, we have now ascertained through my MP, Richard Benyon, that Mark Harper is now onside!
Richard Benyon reports that Mark Harper is sympathetic to our cause. That may be some distance from active support, but he has had the courage to review his thinking in the light of all the evidence.
We can ask no more.
Errr ... Oh yes we can … where’s me quill? I think it is in order to write and to thank him for his support and would he have a word in his opposite number’s (Derek Twigg's) shell-like about supporting Don Touhig.
Mark is a Shadow Minister and so in my view it’s OK to contact him even if you do not live in his constituency. If anyone else wants to email or write his addy info is:
Into snail mail? Try:
Mark Harper MP
House of Commons
Or Tel: 01594 542800
Or visit his web site and leave a message at
Don’t forget to leave your full address.
PS: Please be gentle with him. He’s not used to receiving supportive messages!
Last edited by BarryF on Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
BarryF, who fought for the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia