Image of the PJM Medal
Banner Text = Fight For the Right to Wear the Pingat Jasa Malaysia Medal

Stuck 4 Words?

That can happen to any of us! And in our case the problem is exacerbated by the fact that most of us have never lobbied like this before. We sometimes need help - and this page is designed to give it.

Email your MP with our Top Ten Key References

If you're on the Internet and can email your MP, why not send a brief message of support for our case and attach more detailed notes to your email (or place a copy in a short letter).

Click here and you can download our Top Ten Key References that make the case for the PJM to be worn. The document does all the techie work for you leaving you only to ask for support for the campaign.

Or Write a Letter

There are lots of papers published on this web site that provoke thoughts for a letter or an email. Pick other people's brains. Try "What We Say" and, if you've an hour or two spare, surf around the Discussion Forum at your leisure. We're never short of words there!

But we also thought it would be helpful to post some 'generic' letters and emails that PJM'ers have written. We call them 'fer instances'! Where appropriate, the originators have given permission for their correspondence to be used as a guide to others as to what to can be said and written.


Here is a letter that sets out one approach when writing to an MP:

Full address
Including Post Code

To: My MP (by email or by letter to The Commons)

Dear [name of MP]

Subject: Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM)

I am sure you will be aware of the recent recommendation of the Honours and Decorations Committee that denies British Malaya and Borneo veterans the right to wear the PJM that has been graciously offered to them by the King and Government of Malaysia for their part in successfully protecting newly independent Malaysia from aggression.

Please accept this letter as an expression of my extreme disappointment at that recent decision reached by Her Majesty's advisors, who comprise the HD Committee, regarding the restricted acceptance of the PJM announced in the FCO Ministerial Statement on the 31 st January 2006.

I am writing to you to ask if you will support us (British Malaya and Borneo veterans) in our struggle to have this shameful recommendation amended so that I, and others like me, have formal permission to wear our PJM with pride. That is all we are seeking. The medal has been accepted by The Queen - we just want to be able to wear it.

To tell 35,000 loyal military ex-servicemen and women, and civilians, that they may accept a medal which they will not be permitted to wear, defies all logic. On one hand, we are told that two rules (double-medalling and events over 5 years ago) are waived to permit acceptance and then, paradoxically, are immediately resurrected as reasons for the medal not to be ‘formally’ worn. To make matters worse, the double-medalling objection is wrong not only because thousands of veterans eligible for the PJM have no British medal, but also because the 5 year rule is spurious when applied to the scope of the Malaysian medal which was offered to the British in 2005.

This decision denigrates the loyalty and service of the affected veterans. In addition, it demeans the sacrifice made by those who fell during the course of those conflicts. It also offers an unwarranted insult to the Agong, Government and People of Malaysia.

The restricted recommendation places Her Majesty the Queen in the invidious position of having told her British citizens that they must accept rights inferior to those which she has previously conferred upon her Australian and New Zealand citizens, their Commonwealth comrades, despite the British being the only ones to serve in all parts of Malaysia throughout the period.

Bearing in mind those eligible for the PJM are now ageing civilians who will never wear a uniform again, we cannot understand why we have been denied this little bit of joy for what we did for Malaysia. More than that, why have we been made to feel second class citizens?

Thank you for your help and support.

Your Constituent,

Signed: ………………………………………………….

PS: If I do not hear from you, I shall assume that your support is not being given.

PPS: Please see the Web Pages at for more information. It is also where we list those MP’s who have indicated the support. MP’s, who do not support Malaya/Borneo veterans’ right to wear their PJM unconditionally, are also shown.

(To copy this letter to your PC, click here then save the document to your computer)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

Jock has offered another letter that you can use as a guide when writing to your MP:

Full address
Including Post Code

To: (your MP's name here)
House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA

Dear [name of MP]

Subject: Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM)Dear Sir:

Please accept this letter as an expression of my extreme disappointment at the recent decision reached by Her Majesty's advisors, who comprise the HD Committee, regarding conditional acceptance of the PJM.

To tell 35,000 loyal military ex-servicemen and women that they may accept a medal, which they will not be permitted to wear, defies all logic. On one hand, two rules (double-medalling and events over 5 years ago) are waived to permit acceptance and then, paradoxically, are immediately resurrected as reasons for the medal not to be ‘formally’ worn.

This decision denigrates the loyalty and service of the affected veterans. In addition, it demeans the sacrifice made by those who fell during the course of those conflicts. It also offers unwarranted insult to the Agong, Government and peoples of Malaysia.

Furthermore, it places Her Majesty the Queen in the invidious position of having told her British veterans that they are to accept rights inferior to those, which she has previously conferred upon their Commonwealth comrades, with identical service.

I would be most grateful if I might count on your support in the matter of having this decision rescinded.

An early response to this communication would be greatly appreciated.

Your Constituent,

(Sign and mail...NO POSTAGE REQUIRED)

PPS: Please see the Web Pages at for more information. It is also where we list those MP’s who have indicated the support. MP’s, who do not support Malaya/Borneo veterans’ right to wear their PJM unconditionally, are also shown.

(To copy this letter to your PC, click here then save the document to your computer)

We'll add more 'fer instances' soon ...

Your turn now!

If you would like to comment on this page, please click here and send us your thoughts.

And here are some comments we've received:

Subject=Stuck 4 Words

Comment = Didn't realise how easy you've made it. I looked up my MP on the "Find Your MP" link on the MPs and Parliament Page. Then I downloaded the draft letter from thnis page, copied the text, changed some to make it my own (although I didn't have to), and posted it.

Ten minutes, max!

Thanks. I feel good that I've taken a few minutes to do something positive to support what you guys are doing every day for our right to wear the medal.

(Dave Stockton (ex-2 Para), UK - contact details supplied)

The PJM Medal Ribbon

[Ed: Click here for the link that Dave used: Find Your MP]


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